Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Question Luke Chapter 7

Bible Knowledge Luke Chapter 7

Context Questions

Question 1.
A Roman officer( centurion) there had a servant who was very dear to him; the man was sick and about to die.When the officer heard about Jesus… (Luke 7:2-3)
(i) What did the centurion do when he heard of Jesus?

(ii) What was Jesus told about the centurion?

(iii) How did the centurion show his faith?

Question 2
He said to himself, “If this man really were a prophet, he would know who this woman is touching him;he would know what kind of sinful life she lives!”(Luke 7:39)
(ii) Who said this statement to himself?

(ii) What did the woman do for Jesus?

(iii) What parable did Jesus tell the man?

(iv) What did Jesus say to the woman?

(v) What did the Pharisee not do for Jesus?

Question 3
Just as he arrived at the gate of the town, a funeral procession was coming out..”(Lk7:12)
(i) In which city did this occur?

(ii) What did Jesus do that was contrary to Jewish customs?

(iii) What do we learn about Jesus’ character from this incident?

(iv) Name another person whom Jesus raised to life in the Gospel of luke.

Question 4
“….sent us to ask if you are the one he said was going to come or should we expect someone else?”(Luke 7:20)
(i) Who asked Jesus this question?

(ii) Who was “the one he said was going to come”?

(iii) What was Jesus’ reply to their question?

Question 5
“When you went out to John in the desert, what did you expect to see?”(Luke 7:24)
(i) What did Jesus say that John the Baptist was not?

(ii) What did Jesus say John the Baptist was?

(iii) How does John the Baptist compare with those who are in the kigdom of God?

Essay Questions
Questiom 1.
(a) Narrate the miracle of the raising of the son of the widow of Nain (10m)

(b)How did the people react to this miracle? (3m)

(c) Comment on Jesus’ action that broke the Jewish law. (2m)

Question Luke Chapter 6

Bible Knowledge Luke Chapter 6

Context Questions

Question 1.
“Why are you doing what our Law says you cannot do on the Sabbath?”(Luke 6:2)

(i) What were Jesus’ disciples doing that they were not supposed to do on the Sabbath?

(ii) What is the Sabbath?

(iii) What was Jesus’ answer?

(iv) What did Jesus mean when he said that he was the “Lord of the Sabbath”?

Question 2.
Anyone who comes to me and listens to my words and obeys them-I will show you what he is like..” (Luke 6:47-48)

(i) Describe what Jesus said this person is like.

(ii) Describe what Jesus also said of the man who hears but does not do them?

Essay Questions

Question 1.
(a) Describe the incident of Jesus’ disciples plucking grain on the Sabbath and the healing of the man with the withered hand (paralysed right hand)

(b) Referring to these incidents, what conclusions can be concerning the Sabbath and the proper use of it?

(c) What conclusions can be made concerning the Sabbath and the proper use of it?

Question Luke Chapter 5

Bible Knowledge Luke Chapter 5

Context Questions

“Sir, if you want to, you can make me clean!” (Luke 5:12)

(i) Who asked Jesus to make him clean?

(ii) What did Jesus do and say to him in reply?

(iii)What further instructions did Jesus give him after he was healed?

Question 2
When Jesus saw how much faith they had, he said to the man, “Your sins are forgiven,my friend.” (Luke 5:20)
(i) To whom did Jesus say these words?

(ii) How had the man been brought to Jesus?

(iii) How did the Pharisees react to Jesus’ words?

Question 3.
They let them down and caught such a large number of fish that the nets were about to break.So they motioned to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. (Luke 5:6-7)

(i) Why was this catch of fish unexpected?

(ii) Who were their partners?

(iii)What immediate effect did this miracle have on Simon Peter?

(iv) What did Jesus say to him?

Question 4.
Some Pharisees and teachers of the Law who belonged to their group complained to Jesus’s disciples, “Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and other outcasts.”Luke 5:30

(i) Where did this incident take place?

(ii) What was Jesus’ reply to this criticism?

(iii) Name another tax collector who was accepted by Jesus.

Question 5
Nor does anyone pour new wine into old wineskins..”(Luke 5:37)

(i) In whose house were these words said?

(ii) What would happen when new wine was put into old wineskins?

(iii) Explain the parable.

Question 6
Jesus also told them this parable: “No one tears a piece of a new coat to patch up an old coat.If he does…”(Luke 5:36)

(i) What does Jesus say will happen if someone does this?

(ii) What do the “new coat “ and the “old coat” represent?

(iii) State the lesson of this parable.

Essay Questions
Question 1
Describe the following miracles
(a) the miraculous catch of fish by Simon Peter and his partners.

(b) The stilling of the storm

Discuss briefly what the disciples learnt about Jesus in these two incidents.

(c) Discuss briefly what the disciples learnt about Jesus in these two incidents.

Question 2
( a) Give an account of the call of Levi to be a disciple of Jesus including the feast held at Levi’s house.

(b) Mention another tax collector whose house Jesus went to. Describe what happened at his house.

(c) What do these incidents show about Jesus’ attitude towards people like these tax collectors?

Question 3
Jesus often used a physical touch to show compassion to people. Describe the two incidents in which this is clearly seen in his

(a) healing a man with a dreaded skin disease.(a leper)

(b) raising a young man who had died

Briefly comment on why his touch in each case went against the social or religious customs of his day.

Question Luke chapter 4

Bible Knowledge Luke Chapter 4

Context Questions

1. In the synagogue was a man who had the spirit of an evil demon in him; he screamed out in a loud voice,…. Jesus ordered the spirit..”(Luke 4:33,35)
(i) Where and when did this incident take place?

(ii) What had the man cried out?

(iii) What did the people say about Jesus on this occasion?

2. Jesus returned from the Jordan full of the Holy Spirit and was led by the Spirit into the desert, where he was tempted by the Devil for forty days.(Luke 4:1-2)

(i) How did Jesus feel at the end of forty days?

(ii) Why did he feel this way?

(iii) What was the first temptation faced by Jesus?

(iv) How did he answer it?

3. They were well impressed with him and marveled at the eloquent words that he spoke.
They said, “Isn’t he the son of Joseph?” (Luke 4:22)

(i) Where did this incident take place?

(ii) How did Jesus respond?

(iii) Which two examples did Jesus quote from the Old Testament that made his listeners very angry?

Essay Questions

1. (a) Relate the following miracles that Jesus performed on the Sabbath in Capernaum
(i) the healing of the man with the unclean spirit

(ii) the healing in Simon’s home.

(iii) the healings at sunset.

1. (b) What is the significance of these miracles at the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry?

Question Luke Chapter 3

Bible Knowledge Luke Chapter 3

Context Questions

1. “I baptize you with water, but someone is coming who is much greater than I am.” (Luke 3:16)
(i) Who said this? John the Baptist said this.

(ii) Where was he when he said this? He was in the territory of the Jordan river.

(iii) Who is the “greater” one who is coming?

(iv) How else did the speaker compare himself with that “greater someone”?

2. The people’s hopes began to rise, and they began to wonder whether John might perhaps be the Messiah.So John said to all of them…(Luke 3:15-16)
(i) What was John’s reply to this question?

(ii) Where had John been preaching?

(iii) Why did Herod put John in prison?

3.He answered, “Whoever has two shirts must give to the man who has none, and whoever has food must share it.” (Luke 3:11)
(i) Where was John the Baptist preaching when he said these words to the crowds?

(ii) Name two other groups of people present on this occasion.

(iii) State John’s instructions to each group.

Essay Questions.
1. (a) Give an account of the ministry of John the Baptist when he preached throughout the territory of the Jordan River, relating clearly what he said to the crowds that came out to be baptized by him and how he answered the various questions they asked him.

(b) What did John say to the people when they wondered whether he was the Christ?

Question Luke Chapter 2

Bible Knowledge Luke Chapter 2

Context Questions

1. But the angel said to them, “Don’t be afraid!I am here with good news for you, which will bring great joy to all people. This very day in David’s town your Saviour was born-Christ the Lord!”(Luke 2:10-11)
(i) To whom did the angel say this? (1m)
(ii) Complete the angel’s message to them? (4 m)

2. Joseph went from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to the town of Bethlehem in Judea, the birthplace of King David. Joseph went there because he was a descendent of David. He went to register with Mary, who was promised in marriage to him. She was pregnant..”..(Luke 2:4-5)

(i) Why did Joseph make this journey with Mary?( 2m)

(ii) Who was the governor of Syria at that time? ( 1m)

(iii) Where did Mary deliver her baby? ( 2m)

3. He answered them, “Why did you have to look for me?Didn’t you know that I had to be in my Fathers house?”(Luke 2:49)
(i) Where was Jesus when he said these words? ( 1 m)

(ii) Who looked for him? ( 1 m)

(iii)What was he doing when he was found? ( 2m)

(iv) Why did Jesus call God “Father?” ( 1 m)

4. Suddenly a great army of heaven’s angels appeared with the angel, singing praises
To God:”Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth….”(Luke2:13-14)
(i) Complete the song of the angels on this occasion. ( 1 m)

(ii) What was the message of the angel to the shepherds before this song was sung? ( 3 m)

Essay Questions
1. a) Describe the incident of Mary and Joseph going to Jerusalem for the Passover and Jesus being found in the Temple when he as twelve years old. Luke 2: 41-52.

b) What was the significance of reaching the age of twelve for a Jewish boy? (2 m)
c) What were the claims that Jesus made in this incident. ( 1 m)

Question Luke Chapter 1

Bible Knowledge - Luke Chapter 1
Here, I posted two types of question ie Context and Essay Question.

Context Questions
1.Mary said to the angel, “I am a virgin. How then, can this be?”(Luke 1:34)
(i) To what did “this” refer? ( 2m)

(ii) What did the angel tell her about how this would be accomplished?(2m)

(iii) Mention the other miracle referred to by the angel.(1m)

2. The angel said to her, “Don’t be afraid,Mary;God has been gracious to you..
(Luke 1:30)
(i) Who said these words? (1 m)

(ii) In which city were these words spoken? (1 m)

(iii) What message did the speaker bring to Mary? (3 m)

3.”He will be great in the Lord’s sight. He must not drink wine or strong drink.
From his birth he will be filled with the Holy Spirit.
(i) Who said these words? ( 1m)

(ii) Where were these words said?(1m)

(iii) What did the above quotation indicate about the life of John the Baptist?(1m)

(iv) What else was prophesied on this occasion concerning the work of John? ( 2m)

Essay Questions
1. (a)Give an account of the visit of the angel Gabriel to Mary in the city of Nazareth.
Luke 1:26-38.
(b) Who else had Gabriel visited earlier? Where did that visit take place?

(c) State the differences between the reactions of these two people to Gabriel’s announcements to them.

2. Describe the incident when the angel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah in the temple and give a detailed account of the conversation that took place in the incident.
Luke 1: 8-21

BK Lessons - Acts 2: 14-42 ( part 4 )

BK Lessons - Acts 2: 14-42 ( part 3 )

BK Lessons - Acts 2: 14-42 ( part 2 )

BK Lessons - Acts 2: 14-42 ( part 1 )

BK Lessons - Acts 2: 1-13 ( part 3 )

BK Lessons - Acts 2: 1-13 ( part 2 )

BK Lessons - Acts 2: 1-13 ( part 1 )

This video is brought to you by a team of 3 talented young men (Thinking Bulb) - under Project TuitionLah

BK Lessons - Acts 1: 21-26 ( part 2 )

BK Lessons - Acts 1: 21-26 ( part 1 )

BK Lessons - Acts 1: 15 -20

BK Lessons - Acts 1: 12-14 ( part 2 )

BK Lessons - Acts 1: 12-14 ( part 1 )

BK Lessons - Acts 1: 6-11 ( part 2 )

BK Lessons - Acts 1: 6-11 ( part 1 )

BK Lessons - Acts 1: 1-5 ( part 2 )

BK Lessons - Acts 1: 1-5 ( part 1 )

This video is brought to you by a team of 3 talented young men (Thinking Bulb) - under Project TuitionLah

Free Video on BK Lesson By Project TuitionLah

Project TuitionLah is a collaboration between 3 young men to create a functioning web portal ie http://tuitionlah.wordpress.com/about/...where students and teachers who are interested in learning the subject Bible Knowledge for SPM (9221) can benefit from the video lessons that the team has produced , to be viewed by the general public, for FREE!

The lessons are recorded courtesy of Ms. Moey Yoke Lai and Dr. Wong Chow Lan, who are experts in the Acts of the Apostles and the Gospel according to Luke, respectively.

Jesus According to Luke ( 10/10)

Jesus According to Luke ( 9/10)

Jesus According to Luke ( 8/10)

Jesus According to Luke ( 7/10)

Jesus According to Luke ( 6/10)

Jesus According to Luke ( 5/10)

Jesus According to Luke ( 4/10)

Jesus According to Luke ( 3/10)

Jesus According to Luke ( 2/10)

Jesus According to Luke ( 1/10)

SPM Bible Knowledge Syllabus

This syllabus provides for the study of the life and teaching of Jesus Christ as found in The Gospel According to St Luke and the growth of the Early Church as contained in the Acts of the Apostles. The Good News Version is the accepted standard text for SPM 2007 onwards.

Candidates, however, will not be penalized if they use other versions in their answers. The syllabus requires a minimum of two (2) hours instruction per week over a period of 2 years.

The general aim of this course is to acquire knowledge and understanding of the life and teaching of Jesus Christ and the growth of the Early Church. Candidates will be expected to:
1. recall and select factual information
2. describe, explain, relate and compare and contrast events and teachings in an organized manner
3. describe and show an understanding of the role and importance of special people
4. appreciate the Christian response to moral issues

Subject Content
Candidates should have sufficient knowledge and understanding of the historical, cultural, political, social and religious setting of the period. A detailed knowledge of both texts is required. The subject content is divided into two sections.
Section 1: The Life and Teaching of Jesus Christ as contained in the Gospel of LUKE ( 24 chapters)
Section 2: The Acts of the Apostles (28 chapters)

Examination Format
Candidates are required to sit for one paper the duration of which is two and a half hours. The paper is in English.

The paper is divide into two section:-
Section A - Question 1 and 2 ( total Marks = 40)
Section B - Question 3 to 8 ( total marks = 60)

Section A
Question 1, subsection (a), (b),(c) and ( d) , is based on Gospel of Luke and
Question 2, subsection (a), (b),(c) and ( d) , is based on the Acts of the Apostles
Questions 1 & 2 ( context questions) are compulsory. Each subsection carries 5 marks, thus each question carries 20 marks.

Section B
Candidates are required to answer any four ( 4) of Questions 3-8 ( Essay Question)

Question 3, 4 and 5 are based on Gospel of Luke
Question 6, 7 and 8 are based on the Acts of the Apostles

Essay questions carry 15 marks each.

Allocation of marks
Question 1 - 20 marks
Question 2 - 20 marks
4 essay questions ( @ 15 marks) - 60 marks

My tip on exam time management here is that the candidate must allocate sufficient time for each question. Based on the allocation as shown above and the time given ( 2.5 hours), student must try to complete question 1 and 2 in one (1) hour ( 30 minutes for each question) and 22.5 minutes for each essay question.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Acts of Apostles Movie (22 of 22)

Acts of Apostles Movie (21 of 22)

Acts of Apostles Movie (20 of 22)

Acts of Apostles Movie (19 of 22)

Acts of Apostles Movie (18 of 22)

Acts of Apostles Movie (17 of 22)

Publish Post

Acts of Apostles Movie (16 of 22)

Acts of Apostles Movie (15 of 22)

Acts of Apostles Movie (14 of 22)

Acts of Apostles Movie (13 of 22)

Acts of Apostles Movie (12 of 22)

Acts of Apostles Movie (11 of 22)

Acts of Apostles Movie (10 of 22)

Acts of Apostles Movie (9 of 22)

Acts of Apostles Movie (8 of 22)

Acts of Apostles Movie (7 of 22)

Acts of Apostles Movie (6 of 22)

Acts of Apostles Movie (5 of 22)

Acts of Apostles Movie (4 of 22)

Acts of Apostles Movie (3of 22)

Acts of Apostles Movie (2 of 22)

Acts of Apostles Movie (1 of 22)

Resources for Bible Knowledge

There are more than adequate resource materials for SPM students taking the Bible Knowledge paper, Paper 9221, including two textbooks, 1. A study Guide to the Gospel according to Luke and 2. A Study Guide to Acts of the Apostles (Good News Version).which are specially written for the subject, with details of past year questions and model answers. In addition, you can get a copy of An Exam Guide for SPM Bible Knowledge containing past year questions from 1997 to 2007 by chapters and actual SPM 08 paper. These materials are available from:

1. Malayan Christian Schools’ Council
Tel: 03-7956 5310
Fax: 03-7958 3346
E-mail: edumeth@streamyx.com

2. Teachers’ Christian Fellowship (TCF)
Tel/Fax: 03-5637 5623
E-mail: tcfmy@pd.jaring.my

3. Scripture Union (Ms Runa Wan)
Tel: 03-7782 9592 (O)
E-mail: runawan@su.org.my

For those students who are interested in attending class on BK, they can contact Mrs Kua at 03-78765897 or email at mk964@streamyx.com to check if there are any organisations or churches or groups that conduct BK classes in your hometown.